Most people thing you’re either born beautiful, or you’re not. However, this isn’t true. This article will demonstrate how you can get beautiful. Being beautiful is more than simply looking good physically, as being authentic as a person is critical too.
Air dry your hair whenever possible to avoid exposing your hair to heat damage. Using heat from a hair dryer, straightening iron and curing iron can wreak havoc on your scalp and hair. If you must wash your hair, use the low heat setting on the hair dryer. Doing so ensures your hair will stay soft and smooth.
Keep your skin cells turning with exfoliation. Even if you have sensitive or dry skin, then you can use mild exfoliation around three times per week — any less may not reveal the true advantages of the plump, healthy skin cells that lie underneath the surface of skin cells. Taking care of your skin by exfoliating it frequently gives your face a radiant, shiny appearance. Additionally, your skin will be cleaner and less greasy.
Brighten up your eyes with this natural look: apply a light, neutral-colored eye shadow into your entire upper eyelid. Look for sand, khaki, beige, or fawn colours. This will neutralize any redness in your lids, which can make you appear older and tired. Add drama by smudging a darker colour on the lids just from the crease.
If your eyeliner tends to smear and crease, try dabbing a bit of a similar colored powdered eyeshadow over the top of it with a soft cotton swab. This will help to maintain the eyeliner in place and make your eye makeup last longer before it takes a touch up.
If you have very narrow eyes, you can create the illusion that they’re more widely opened by first using an eyelash curler to curl your upper lashes. Apply a dark brown lashes into the center lashes, then tilt the batter diagonally and apply the mascara to the outer lashes.
Create the illusion of deep-set eyes by using lightly colored eyeshadow to the whole eyelid. The light colors will seem to come forward, whereas a darker liner or shadow would have the reverse impact, making the eyes appear to recede further into the face. The color you apply should be mild and very subtle.
Use eye drops to liven up your face. Tired eyes can bring down your whole look. Keep a small bottle of eye drops into your bag and use them occasionally, especially when sitting in front of your PC. They will not only freshen up your eyes, but also make them sparkle too.
Remember that drinking lots of pure water is among the best ways to remain beautiful. It cleanses your system and helps keep your skin moisturized, your eyes glowing, and your joints well padded and flexible. Pure water can be regarded as a “fountain of youth”. Enjoying plenty of it will keep you beautiful throughout your life.
It is common sense that beauty isn’t just something you’re born with. You might not feel beautiful all the time, but this article will help you find that beauty is something you already have and can enhance even further. Concentrate on the excellent things about you, and learn how to work with you don’t like so much.